mardi 17 novembre 2009

Minis roses Kawasaki

dimanche 8 novembre 2009

jeudi 5 novembre 2009

Origami Tessellations » art

Crowding Butterflies Origami

Sites d'origamis

J'ai trouvé ce site d'origami très intéressant. Allez y faire un tour, mais comme je n'arrive pas insérer les liens qui fonctionnent vous devrez vous débrouiller avec ça.

et cette page du même site:

and this Yamis philosophy:

mercredi 4 novembre 2009

About origami and science

Also, found this very interesting articles:

Origami Helps Scientists Solve Problems

ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2002) — Fold the paper in half and then fold it in half again and eventually that piece of paper will be transformed into an airplane, a hat, or a peace crane. Origami - the ancient Japanese tradition of paper folding has long been recognized as an art, but now origami is providing the answers to real world problems in mathematics, engineering, and astronomy proving that origami is more than just child’s play. Examples of origami techniques applied to scientific research were presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Boston, MA in a session entitled, "Mathematics and Science of Origami: Visualize the Possibilities" on February 15.
See also:
Matter & Energy

* Engineering
* Organic Chemistry
* Civil Engineering

Computers & Math

* Mathematics
* Computer Science
* Computer Modeling


* Tetrahedron
* Polyhedron
* Möbius strip
* Trigonometry

"Origami helps in the study of mathematics and science in many ways," says Martin Kruskal, a mathematician at Rutgers University, "Using origami anyone can become a scientific experimenter with no fuss." Kruskal found that origami is simpler to develop than most scientific theories and a lot easier to apply.

With his experience tackling a variety of puzzles that range from designing a folding a telescope, called Eyeglass, that is easily deployed in space to the careful folding of an air bag to protect passengers, Robert J. Lang, an engineering consultant, explains the basic geometric concepts used to solve a broad class of origami folding challenges. Lang teaches scientists how to apply origami to their work. "One basic technique is how to pack circles that don’t overlap into a square also known as 'circle-packing,'" says Lang. As result of his research, Lang has propelled the art of origami into tools used for applied mathematics and engineering.

Expanding the realm of origami applications, Jeremy Shafer, an origamist with the Bay Area Rapid Folders, shows scientists how to design their own origami models as an exercise in problem solving. "It's all about coming up with a good folding challenge," says Shafer, "After that, it's about experimenting with different base shapes, devising a strategy, coming up with a working model, and then evolving it toward perfection."

Eric Demaine, assistant professor in electrical engineering and computer science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is fascinated by the mathematical and computer science problems that develop naturally in origami. For example, what shapes can be made if a square piece of paper is folded flat, and then cut? "Our team has proved that with one straight cut, a butterfly, swan or just about any other shape can be made," say Demaine. Revealing that one carefully, calculated cut, can open up a multitude of possibilities.

"For many years, I have thought that science and the arts really are just opposite sides of the same coin," says Patricia Wang-Iverson, senior associate for Research for Better Schools and organizer of the session, "People only seem to see the tedium and hard work of science, but don’t see the creativity and beauty as they do in a great work of art."

Maybe the answers to solving real world problems of mathematics and science may have been tucked away in the hidden in the folds of origami all along.

Adapted from materials provided by American Institute Of Physics.

Sac à main de papier ou Portefeuille, Paper Pouch

Ma variation sur une création de Laura Kruskal(USA); Paper Pouch, tiré du livre de Guay Merrill Gross, Origami: The Art of Paperfolding.
Papier de magazine publicitaire, peint, puis verni.

dimanche 1 novembre 2009

Cheval et cavalier 2

La photo et le pliage sont de moi, j'ai utilisai du papier d'un pamphlet publicitaire...vive le recyclage, c'est économique et j'aime le résultat . Le modèle est tiré du livre Origami-2, Pliages en papier pour petits et grands, éditions Fleurus. Auteur: Zülal Ayture-Scheele
Pour le cheval: 2 feuilles de papier de même taille, pour le cavalier: une feuille de papier carré. Pour le chapeau de cowboy: une feuille.

Cheval et cavalier

Mon pliage et ma variation d'un modèle créé par Didier Boursin, France, de son livre: Origami Paper Animals.


Modèles de tulipes et vase créés par Guay Merrill Gross, de son livre: Origami, Idées de pliages en papier.

Mes roses Kawasaki octobre 2009